Fujikura Composite Inc.

Envirnmental Activities

Envirnmental Activities

Many business activities depend on the bounty of our natural environment.
FUJIKURA COMPOSITES values the environment, and our employees recognize this.
Our goal is to focus on fully exploiting our unique rubber processing and composites business rather than seeking massive expansion. And we are committed to reducing our environmental impact so we can leave our beautiful surroundings to the next generation.

Environmental Conservation Activities

Our head office, main sales offices, and factories have been certified per the ISO14001 Environmental Management System.
We have implemented a program of continuous improvements in order to reduce the environmental effects associated with production activities. Major themes include energy conservation, waste reduction actions, actions to counter global warming (reduction of CO2 emissions), reduction of VOC emissions, and management and control of chemical substances.
Data and details on our activities is disclosed in periodic Environmental Reports and in communications with local community.

Environment & Occupational Health and Safety Policy (OH&S)

An Environmental・Occupational Health and Safety Management System was established for all business activities, providing for continuous improvements in the reduction of environmental impact, prevention of pollution, and the maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment.
The environmental effects as well as potential sources of danger/accidents for all business activities shall be specified in order to construct processes that clarify these special characteristics so that corrective actions and preventative measures can be implemented.
Goals and improvement plans for reducing environmental impact and improving occupational health and safety will be summarized in document form and progress towards implementation will be confirmed and reassessed on a yearly basis.

Ensure that environmental and occupational health and safety laws, regulations, conventions, and other agreed requirements are observed.
Knowledge of the Environment ・Occupational Health and Safety Policy will be actively communicated to all persons working in the organization in order to increase awareness of environmental and health and safety issues.
Display environmental and occupational health and safety policies prominently and widely.

Environmental Protection Goals (DATA NEEDS UPDATING)It’s end of 2017. Here it is 2015.


Energy Conservation

Using 2010 levels as a reference, the company's overall energy consumption shall be reduced by 5% by 2015.



Using 2010 levels as a reference, the company's total amount of waste materials will be reduced by 10% by 2015.



In coordination with our customers, we will investigate, analyze, and develop methods for returning and recycling waste rubber products.


Global Warming Countermeasures

The five year average of C02 emissions for the period from 2008 to 2012 will be 10% less than 1990 levels.* "Voluntary Action Plan for Environmental Conservation," joint action by the Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association.


VOC Countermeasures

Using 2000 levels as a reference, VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions will be reduced by 50% by 2015.※Volatile Organic Compounds as defined by the list of 17 substances issued by the Japanese Rubber Manufactures Association.